Who are we?
The Tangokombinat unites a group of friends with very different backgrounds but with the same ideas about tango.
We discovered tango in our home regions and travel far to promote, teach, study and live social tango. Some of us have been to Buenos Aires, where we danced with and for the milongueros.
Some of us make a living as professional teachers, djs and organisers, but all of us are social dancers and happy to move in the ronda in harmony with other couples.
The team:
• Andreas Wichter, teacher + dj (D/F) , founding member
• Anne-Cécile Dubois, teacher (F), founding member
• Melina Sedó, organiser, teacher + dj (D), founding member
• Detlef Engel, teacher (D), founding member
• Lynn Collins, dj (UK/F)
• Thorsten Janes, photography + design, logistics (D)
• Estrella Ina Wagner, assistant teacher, practica host (D)
• Gitana Tamajeva, dj (Lit/D)
• Uwe Willié (D), dj
Former Tangokombinat members:
• Sylvia Menzdorf & Jürgen Wyludda, Viento Norte (D)
• Damian Lobato (Argentina/USA)
Our name…
… was inspired by a German movie that Andreas, Detlef and Melina watched in 2004. The film „Schulze gets the blues“ was co-produced by a company called the Film-Kombinat. And although the TK-founders grew up in the West-Germany, they all feel close to the idea of combining the resources and ideas of individuals to a greater community – which is what Kombinat originally meant in East-Germany. So after the movie, the idea was born: „Let’s found a Tangokombinat“, one of us said. The rest is history…