Our monthly Minilongas @ Tangokombinat Studio are intimate events with 30-40 visitors. They are however often visited by dancers from afar due to Detlef & Melina’s seminars and teacher trainings in Saarbrücken.
Gran Milongas aim for more participants and take place in bigger locations.
Regular time: Saturdays, 20.00 – 24.00
Locations: click here
Price: Minilonga 12€, Gran Milonga 15€ (drinks & snacks included)
Next Minilongas:
January 25 – DJ Melina Sedó
March 8 – DJ TBD
April 5 – DJ TBD
May 3 – DJ TBD
Practica libre with Estrella Ina and Detlef @ Tangokombinat Studio
This is no milonga in disguise, but a genuine opportunity to work with other dancers of all levels. There will always be a few exercises in the beginning, but during the rest of the time, you’ll investigate individual questions. Those who come solo, will change roles and partners and give honest, but respectful feedback. And if there are problems – Estrella Ina and Detlef are there to assist.
Wednesdays, 19.30-21.30
Price: 12€ per person / reduced price 8€